Friday, February 01, 2008


I decided to post some of my favourite songs this weekend. I am starting with Aye Ole by Infinity. I love the yoruba language. It is so deep, I often say that if I ever choose to have my book translated into a Nigerian language, it would have to be yoruba.
Enjoy and have a great weekend!


guerreiranigeriana said... you understand yoruba?...i need you to help translate the yoruba parts of the yahoozee song, please!!!...thanks...i think yoruba is quite pleasing to the ear too...kind of sexy in this ancient yet carnal way...i probably sound real crazy...i just can't doesn't sound like that on the yahoozee song...i had a friend who was teaching me the many different ways to pronounce ogun in yoruba...maybe it was him, but it was damn near erotic!...anyway...if you could do that small favor for me, i love you long time...i'll even dance at your wedding;)...

guerreiranigeriana said...

wait...but you're understand yoruba? confused right now...

For the love of me said...

@guerrila, no i do not really understand yoruba, i just love the language, I studied at Ibadan so I can get by but not enough to translate yahoozee for youooo, but can find someone who will and post it on ur blog. I am Ibibio.

Uzo said...

I love this song and the video is so unusual by Nigerian standards