Friday, May 11, 2007

April 21

I will remember this date for two reasons; I lost my baby, and the Nigerian presidential elections.

The loss of a child is something I will not wish even on my worst enemy. It is extremely painful. Anyway I woke up on this bright Saturday determined to beat my husband in scrabble as he beat me on almost all the games on the previous saturday. instead we had to rush to hospital. My car typically would not start so we called my brother in law who practically flew down and off we were to the hospital, there was no car in sight,no buses, no bikes, absolutely none. I kept thinking, what if we didn't have a car, or someone we could call, when the country declares no movement, does it occur to them that some women would go into preterm labour, that some children would have terrible asthma/epileptic/ulcer attacks, and would need to be rushed to hospitals? How are these emergency cases expected to get to hospital, with no cabs, buses or bikes plying the roads, and no ambulances to call.Are they just supposed to sit at home quietly and die? I have never tried the Celtel emergency 199 service. I do hope it works, I certainly appreciate their effort more.

So we get to the hospital. I am rushed into an emergency room, The O and G is called, He is at a polling booth, he comes as soon as he can but it is still a while and all this time, the girl bleeds away. He says it is bad, surgery is the only way out, and so the anaethesist is called and the paediatrician, the clock is ticking, they arrive as soon as they can.

My baby lives but only for a few hours. they did their best,and I believe them. My anger is more at the system, I had tried to call the hospital from home,network issues. Maybe just maybe, if everything was in place before I got there, maybe I would be holding my baby in my arms now.

On a lighter note, we sent an sms out to people informing them of our tragedy, we said they could sms but we were not receiving calls and people started calling immediately! Is it that we don't read? And people said all sorts, it's better it happened now than if the child was older? says who? some said maybe I wasn't resting enough? like I wasn't feeling bad enough! And they dared to blame me.
Our families and friends have however been wonderful. My mother in law particularly, and my friends took turns to be with me at home, I didn't lift a finger for two weeks. May God bless them.



May God grant u the fortitude to bear the loss!!

Mrs Somebody said...

please kindly accept my sincere sympathy.Be strong! It is well with you.

aloted said...

May the good Lord comfort you in your time of pain and sorrow. It is well with you and your family.

Dolly said...

Please accept my sympathy, God will grant you the fortitude to bear the loss

For the love of me said...

Thank you everyone,May God bless you for your kind words.

classybabe said...

That is so sad,may God grant you and your family the fortitude to bear the loss.Take heart!

♥♫♪nyemoni♫♪♥ said...

Phew... how sad... I know you've heart it a million times but I pray that God gives you the fortitude to bear the loss. May He surprise you pleasantly.. It is wee with your household...

Writefreak said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't know you but i can feel you. I'm hoping to be pregnant soon and i already can't bear the thought of losing a child.
Please accept my sympathy

Admin UD said...

LAwd Gawd, so soorry fo da loss. God is in control. Trust in His judgements all da time.

Anyways, am sorry for gatecrashing. The Nigerian Bloggers are doing a chain sumthn on the 29th on the just concluded and recent political events in 9ja.

Please, go to The Nigerian Proclamation to get more info.

Thank you!

BOBBY said...

God will watch over you and you will get that baby back into your arms where she/he belongs. I am so sorry.

laspapi said...

I am sorry to read this. "In my head" provided the link. I hope you're much stronger now.

Those people who told you so many things (some of which you found annoying) were trying to comfort you and said the wrong things. Nobody would blame you for this kind of mishap.

Gbemi's Piece said...

So sorry to hear about your loss. I am sorry that you had to go through this. It takes a special person to share such deep emotions with others, I can only hope that people are more sensitive to what you are going through. This is a woman's worst nightmare. My deepest sympathy.

Stuck in my throat said...

May The Lord give you the strength to bear the loss.

Shylle said...

Really sorry to read this. Was actually laughing reading the other posts until I got to this.
It just sapped the energy out of me.
I cried.

Be strong, dear. Be strong.